The "Can't remember the name of this game" Thread v3.0

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@spunkyhepanda: Yes! I even feel kinda dumb for struggling so much for so many years haha. I just had a call with my dad and he is super happy. Thanks a lot!

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@rexrox3: Glad I could help! I was more of a Treasure Mountain/Mathstorm kid, but bouncing lasers in an ancient temple did ring a bell.

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Hello my friend is trying to remember a game she said is similar to Horizon zero dawn, she played it on pc and she said that it starts in a spaceship then the character gets caught interfering in the ship according to the storyline then the main character falls to earth somehow and the crawled his way somehow to a forest, it's a third person game with a lot of guns and the mc had a full iron and kinda a baggy armor, it's not really obvious if the mc is a male or female though hopes this helps and someone knows the name of the game Please

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Trying to find an english educational PC game from the early 90's. I played it sometime before Little Big Planet (1994). It was a mystery game focused on a pre-teen girl trying to find a lost family member (maybe her sibling?) that had been kidnapped by a mysterious individual called "the man in black". The game was point-click game set in an english town. From what I remember the backgrounds were pre-rendered. You searched for clues and witness reports from town folks, trying to pin down info on the kidnapper or the last wherabouts of your family member. I never got far into the game, the few locales I distinctly remember was: a pub, a street outside with a woman and her trolley, a building with an office room. You chose different dialogue options when speeking to towns folk, exhausted their dialogue options. During the adventure you picked up different key items that could be used to trigger events, so a typical point-click adventure. The whole feeling was Cluedo. For all you knew, anyone you spoke to could be the supposed kidnapper. I have always wondered how the story ends and who actually was the kidnapper or "the man in black" (atleast that is the wording I remember).

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There's a mobile game that I cannot remember the name of for the life of me. I used to play it on iOS, I believe. You controlled the Techno Trousers from Wallace and Gromit, and you could adjust the angle the legs moved at. It's similar to Daddy Long Legs, but it was polygon graphics and fun as anything. Anyone else know what I'm talking about?

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I am looking for a really, really old game. I don't think it was released by a formal publisher. I remember it was 2D and there were these pools of purple resevoirs in various places on the map. The "characters" looked like yellow cups with a green circle that was kind of like a marker (I think it was green) and you had different types of them, some of them would move from the resevoir, collect some of the purple and then moved it back to your base and it would do that continuously. That gave you resources which you could then use to build more collectors or you could build soldiers, some were tanky with a short range of attack and others didn't have as high of an attack, but had a larger range. I also remember there were towers as well.

It was very, very simply graphics. I remember the towers being mostly a yellow color. It's a single player game. I know there was an enemy, I think you could only tell because it was a different color. It's a single-player offline game. I feel like I remember downloading it from a website that might have been in German or Dutch.

I also feel like I remember playing this not too long after playing Nanosaur so I'm talking a really old game. I feel like it was Pupur or Purpur or something like that, but I haven't been able to find anything by using those names so now I'm not sure. Any ideas?

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I've been trying to find this game for forever and I'm starting to think it was a fever dream lmao

So the style is a type of cartoon but in an artsy style?

You start out as an newly dead man(I'm pretty sure his name was Jack) and you're in this dark area with a dude on a boat that you need to get on but to proceed you need two dead mans coins so you go over up a hill and open a coffin to get them either off your own body or a skeleton I don't remember

The other part I remember is you're in a belly of a whale and there's a bu ch of people one of the quests is a guy wants a stronger drink so you have to make it our of the whales bile and give it to him

I also remember something about ghost pirates

I remember playing it on a Playstation I believe it was a ps2 but I can be wrong I played this game when I was really little and my uncle showed me I loved it dearly and am desperate to find it

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I keep searching for this game, it has been more than 5 years since I started looking for it. The details are vague as I was young and English is not my native language so I couldn't remember much.

It was a platformer type game, similar to Angry Meat Boy in gameplay (NOT in visual style). Visual style was very sleek and simple, looking like a Flash game but I was playing it on my PC without an Internet connection, so I believe it was a standalone game.

Year: probably 2000-2005

Game: You were controlling a boy (wearing a red cap?) and you had to pass through different obstacle courses, you were also timed so you were encouraged to speed run. Each level had like a beach theme, so from what I remember the background was either the sea, the sky or the beach, sometimes the sunset with beautiful colors. I'm not sure but I believe the movement would feel a bit like Angry Meat Boy, probably could wall jump. The game was either called or had the words 'beach, summit, summer, sunset' in it.

Please help me for the love of God and gaming.

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[FLASH][Fighting] [pixelated][2D][Destructive]

It was a flash game ,at the beginning of the game there's this guy who sits on his pc and then an ad pops up (i dont quite remember what it says): CLICK HERE IF YOU WANT TO BE THE MOST POWERFUL or stuff like that and he clicked on it which led to him being trained by scientists as an experiment then he becomes so powerful that he destroys citites and stuff.

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#5861  Edited By Sencer

Little girl with a big sword in a schoolyard and cutting giant guys.

Art design: Black and White, but blood is red.

Protagonist: Like a anime girl

There is information about this game being released on CD from a gaming magazine(local one) 10-11 years ago.

Probably its a indie,demo or something.

Does anyone know the name of this game?

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This game is either Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast or a console around that time.

This game is an RPG

I played this in the early to late 90's

The main thing I can recall is at the opening of the game there is a character in a full cloak who has like a shield around him, you can only see like a circle around his feet. He is standing on like a precipice or hill and shoots a fireball at a dragon. He talks some about how it is time and then there are many more dragons and the scene fades with him shooting fireballs at the dragons but they are just too many. The only other thing I can recall is that it had pretty good graphics, but this could be deceptive because some sprite based games still look great today.

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#5863  Edited By Maguito95

I hope it's not too hard, 'cause I have very few memories of it.

The most I remember was that it was a 2D shooter, like megaman, metal slug or contra, however, unlike those three, I think you could use your mouse to shoot wherever you wanted, not just in front and upside you. I played it on PC

Other aspect was that, when you advance in the game, you can grab a couple of robotic/mechanic legs which helps you movilize.

I don't remember the scenery, but I remember it had a dark background, like it was dark the place where you were.

I don't remember the year either, however I think when I played it, it was before 2015, maybe even before 2010 but I'm not too sure about that.

Also, I'm still not sure about this, but I think you shoot lasers and the enemies you have to kill came to you in hordes.

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So there as an old game which i can’t remember the name for it , so it was like a small vehicle hovering over the ground and it has alot of different weapons like machine gun lasers rockets and you can even put mines on the ground there was like a different levels and you try to kill the enemy and there was even a thing you find that makes you like untargetable by the enemy it was an old game i used to play when windows xp was the latest version if possible please help me

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So, this was an educational game that we played in my World Geography or possibly US History class in middle school in the late 90s. I think it was MS-DOS, but am not sure. I'm pretty sure it wasn't on an apple, but I can't be positive.

What I remember of the game:

  • You were sailing a ship from Europe to the Americas.
  • You used "sextant" readings at night by looking at the stars and seeing where the north star or southern cross was in the sky to find your latitude.
  • You had to watch a sundial-like setup for the middle of the day to determine how many hours off noon was on the ship from the watch you set from where your ship launched. You used this to determine longitude.
  • The sundial-type thing was animated and you had to be paying attention, because it would not replay.
  • Weather was a factor, and cloud cover could mess with your navigational readings.
  • The game was in color, and I'd guess probably 16-bit graphics, kind of equivalent graphics of the original SimCity.
  • Little of the game was animated, and what was was limited.
  • I don't remember if there were survival factors like Oregon Trail had (running out of supplies, things breaking, scurvy, etc.)

Please help! I'd like to use at least some of it with a I'm teaching now where we're discussing the history of navigation.

Thank you, all!

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Does anyone know the identity of this game or does it exist at all?

Description: The game starts where there are maybe 6-8 characters around a table. The background was in a brown or orange room and you can see outside it was night-time. I believe it was storming with occasional lightning or it was raining. You input or solve something and a character does something similar to FFT (Final Fantasy Tactics) characters like Agrias or Gafgarion. Afterwards, I couldn't progress because I didn't know what to do so I dropped the game. This was during Blockbuster era.

Platform: It was on PlayStation (PSX/PSOne)

Year: From 1995-1999 (I was born in '93 so I had to be around 5 or 6 when I played this game).

Genre: Puzzle, JRPG

CD Color: The physical copy of the CD was white or platinum white, if that makes sense with the title in black font.

It's been bothering me for a long time and just need the closure.

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I am trying to look for a game that the Gomb Bomb East crew did while Austin was here.
It was a space game that took place on a station orbiting a star and all the individuals had schedules and such.

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Hi. Searching a PC Game demo released between 1998-2001 (I think). The main character is a young male. It's set in a town in the desert, and you lose if the character goes to the desert, because he's killed by a monster or phantom (I don't recall). The demo ends when the character goes through a gate ( teleported). You can interact with the town people and you have a one hand C shape pistol with both ends glowing (useless against desert monster i think). The town people tells you the only way to leave the town is through the portal, because the monsters. Thanks

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#5872  Edited By Togaclad

Hi. I remember playing this on PC in 1992-1995.

The main character is a technician or scientist working on what looks like a particle accelerator. There is a lightning strike and something goes wrong and your off. I think your character gets "affected" by the reaction. It's very dark and gloomy.

You initially start as a side scroller.

The style of play changes as you progress; sometimes side scroller, platformer etc. It was the first time I saw a game with multiple styles of play and thought it was brilliant.

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#5873  Edited By Topcyclist

@togaclad: Sounds like another world or also known as out of this world.

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@kingukitsune: Koudelka from searches, but i could be wrong, just had the chance to log in and answer a few of these but found this one earlier.

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Hover!, Jet moto, rally, Re-Volt or something lol, need more info.

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Its kinda like rpg setting 2d game where there are like circular laser bouncing in walls and you like destroy turrents and small tanks aswell its a small hovering vehicle not a race game but like actual action game but with a vehicle

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@topcyclist: This wasn't it. The characters were designed like Final Fantasy Tactics and in the beginning, there were in a room around a table. I did something and one of them performed some move like Gafgarion's Night Blade. Afterwards, I couldn't proceed anymore because I didn't know what to do next.

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This one has been in my head for a while, it's about a videogame song someone uses in a League video, starts at like 0:53

I believe it's from a ps1/ps2 jrpg, at least I think so because I am pretty sure I've played it before. Any help is appreciated.

Might be a Nihon Falcom or Grandia game

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Ok, first of all: thank you all for this thread. Being able to ask someone about a forgotten game is awesome!

Now, the game I'm looking for:
Plattform: PC (don't know if there were console variants)
Year: somewhere around 2005-2010 perhaps
Genre: sci-fi FPS / stealth shooter, with some mechanics which you would find in games like cyberpunk (hacking enemies to force suicide f.e.) and Deus Ex Series (character developement through tech upgrades and software, not skill points).

The game had a nice storyline and a multiplayer mode. The protagonist worked for a big corp, eliminating rebels, until he gets betrayed or something in the very first hours of gameplay. Many sci-fi guns and gadgets (like emp-grenades or a submachine gun, which could shoot around obstacles, if you locked on to an enemy), but also your typical pistol, assault rifle and so on. What I distinctly remember about the gameplay was that the normal enemies would go down pretty easily, but every boss was a giant bullet sponge and were often bound to a certain game dynamic or tool. For example: one of the first bosses was a dude you had to fight in a subway station. He used the before mentioned intelligent submachine gun and had a drone, which brought him a new one when he ran out of ammo. The way to kill him was to shoot down the drone to pick the gun up, because you ran out of ammo on your guns on the first like 10% of his health bar.
The only other thing I remember distinctly was the assault rifle, which looked a bit like a HK G3, with a zoomed scope on top and iron sights with a 45° offset.

Hope someone remembers this one. Thanks in advance!

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I'm glad there's a place founded 13 years ago and still active today

As for the game, I tried to remember every detail and put them together.

It's a action 2D game on Flash platform I played around 2005-2010, there are two available characters for you to choose, a cat or a mouse, both of them are in stickman style, and their eyes and mouths are visible. The overall color scheme of this game is grey and black, not a colorful game and you spawn on the left of the screen, fighting enemy and push to the right. Sometimes there will be obstacles stop your way, and you have to destory it to advance.

I remember vaguely the characters were cops, and guns are sometime available in the game。

Thanks in advance to let me have this chance to ask.

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@darkstraw: glad to help! For as long as it lasts this is the best community in the history of the internet for this question. Long live Giant Bomb dot com

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Platform: pc

Year: 2005-2008 not sure

Genre: fighting

There is a 2D flash game that I was playing a long time ago, unfortunately I no longer remember its name, the game is a fight between different characters, including, as I remember, a ninja who can climb the walls and fight by throwing stars and a robot that kills everyone touch him and a white ghost with some more I don’t remember them, as what I remember when you die It shows you a countdown, I think 10 seconds and then you come back again with a different character.

During the fight, a boss goes out I think a flame man (sometimes a fireworm) and attack everyone randomly and the person who is able to kill the boss by throwing water on him takes his body and continue fighting with it until he dies and then returns back to normal character and so on

That’s all I remember about the game

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Ok, so old multi game CD rom, 4 games if I remember correctly but I only really remember 2, one was a top down 2/3 angle style adventure game where you're going through a maze working around zombies/mummies, and it's in that really old janky 3D style. The other game is some top down puzzle game where you're a guy trying to get to a pool? And you have to go through this maze puzzle and you can activate certain buttons that change gates and routes on the map to reach what I remember was a pool or something. Much appreciated if anyone knows what it is.

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Help me please find the game. I don't remember its name or even what it looked like. I only remember what the gameplay was like and I'm not 100 percent sure. I also remember that this game was definitely not on Google Play, it had to be downloaded separately from some forum. The graphics of the game were pixelated, you could play as different animals, you could definitely play as a toad, in my opinion you could also play as a sheep or some such heroes, and each hero had some special features. In my opinion, the toad had extra bullets or something like that and it was necessary to go as far as possible through the levels without saving. At every third level there were bosses and the first boss, if I'm not mistaken, was a pit bull with a machine gun.

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Good evening gamers!

Please help!

Description: 3D futuristic tower defense(ish) you were controlling a core and could spawn vehicles like tanks and aircraft’s with energy to move around the map. You would capture places of interest? and shoot at the enemy’s vehicles.the goal was to defeat the enemies base. You could cycle control of the vehicles you spawned and personally drive them. I remember the game would say “you have control” when you cycled to a new vehicle.

It was on a 90s PC demo disc and I can’t remember nothing about the other games on the disc.

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@ratsxed: its Urban Assault I am blind.. spent hours looking for this game only to find out theres a huge following and now im going to enjoy myself :)

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Well, this is probably the longest of shots.

Looking for a PC game, from either late 80s or early 90s?

I don't remember much, mainly this:
I remember there's a cutscene at the begining where some guy/people in a car drive to your house and laugh/evict you?

You are two brothers, you do all sorts of tasks(?) for the bad people to get back your house?

I think some tasks are done by one brother while the others are done by the other brother?

Yeah I know it's not too much, sorry.

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It is a pc point and click kinda game where we find some objects scattered around. The context of the game is we trapped inside a magic book and we have to find the medals or some sort at very end of the level itself. It also have a tough puzzle to solve since there is no hints at all. Plus I really remember one of the level is a room entirely made out of ice.

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I played this game on a computer(window 98). I only have a vague memory of it but it’s a Horror game and it was scary. I remember entering a mansion, going into a door with a room on the right. Your cursor turned into a hand when you needed to pick up an item. Very creepy music. Then you make your way into a large room, maybe a greenhouse and there are huge, monsters you have to shoot.

I thought it was Clive Barkers Undying, but I’m playing it now on my pc. I kept on getting killed so I never fully played it. I hope someone remembers it. I think the year was 1998, 1999, and/or 2000.

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It was a point and click horror game on the app store it's kind of old like 2010's old. At the beginning you have to go into some creepy well. It had this creepy girl with long black hair in the game at some point. It was pretty lengthy and the graphics in my opinion were pretty good. I can't remember much about it since it's been awhile, i also think it was removed from the AppStore since last time i checked it wasn't there. Thank you to anyone who can remember.

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It was a point and click horror game on the AppStore possibly made in the 2010's, the graphics were mostly realistic and dark creepy colors. Pretty good graphics in my opinion too or at least for the time. At the beginning you arrive to this house with a creepy doll on the porch. you can't get inside so you have to back a bucket type thing to get inside this well. Later in the game there is some creepy girl with long black hair. Throughout the game there is flashbacks or something about what happened to the girl and her tragic backstory. That's really all i can remember, thank you to anyone who can remember it. :)