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    Goal Storm

    Game » consists of 3 releases. Released Mar 15, 1996

    Goal Storm is a 1996 PlayStation release from Konami. It's notable for being fully polygonal and is the second game in the Winning Eleven series in Japan.

    Short summary describing this game.

    Goal Storm last edited by marino on 05/17/24 06:32PM View full history

    Goal Storm is an arcade-ey,  fully polygonal, fully 3D soccer game that was part of Konami's "XXL Sports Series" titles in tandem to the '96 World Cup hype. An odd thing about Goal Storm is that you can seemingly slide tackle everyone, and it's random who gets called on a foul, as well as which fouls require yellow or red cards. It features several countries, but no actual licensed players. Also, there's no skill difference between any team, so the Republic of Ireland can annihilate Brazil as many times as you'd like. Goal Storm's case is also one of those early, way too vertical cases that were around during the Playstation's launch.

    Game Modes

    Exhibition: Play a single 1v1 game either against the computer or a second player by rules set in the options screen.
    Hyper Cup: Show those lame World Cup fans who's boss and play the real tournament, for real winners. Start off in the Preliminary round, and face three other teams. The top two teams advance so the questions is, can you carry the Republic of Ireland to the finals and win it all!?
    Key Configuration: So you can map slide-tackling to your favorite button.
    Options: Choose the computer's difficulty, halves' length and field conditions. How do the variation in field conditions affect anything? No idea, ask someone else.

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