Is there a game you've mostly forgotten except for one weird detail/experience?

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#1  Edited By chamurai

I was just thinking about Legend of Legaia, as one is wont to do, and I've mostly forgotten about that game despite beating it but I do remember locking the game with a Game Shark once. I felt like replaying the game for some reason so I started a new game and set it so I would start at lvl 99. There's a tutorial section in the beginning where your sensei teaches you how to fight in battle. I ended up killing him with one basic kick and the tutorial just didn't progress any further but wouldn't leave the battle screen and I had to reset the game and start a new one without the cheat on.

Anyone have any instance of a game they've mostly forgotten about except for one weird experience or detail that never leaves your head?

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#2  Edited By bigsocrates  Online

I have a lot of games where I have one memory branded in my brain. For example when I got my SNES I was on my way up to a ski vacation with a friend and I was allowed to pick out one game. I was young and dumb so I picked World Heroes, which is a mediocre fighting game with a mediocre SNES port, but we played that (and Super Mario World) every evening and so I have this weird fondness for World Heroes because of that even though every time I've tried to play it since (the original Neo Geo version via official emulated copies) I've thought it was...pretty mediocre. But even though I know I played that SNES copy a bunch until I lent it to someone and he told me someone else stole it from him I can't remember anything about it except that first week.

A lot of memories like that about a very specific time and place that stuck in my head for specific games.

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#3  Edited By cikame

I've forgotten pretty much everything about that Disney Hercules game on PS1 except the satisfying sack slicing animation.

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I could not tell you a thing about the last Broken Sword game except that I beat it and there's an honest to God puzzle where you have to move a cockroach but can't just simply pick it up.

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OG Super Mario RPG - I know there is a fight on some chandeliers and I think you're trying to attack a chain supporting it?

What happens after that who knows!

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I haven't played Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door since release. I remember nothing about it other than at one point you become a pseudo-wrestler(?).

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Half-Minute Hero is generally a weird, slightly too-meta puzzle/RPG, but there's one level where you're dealing with a very strange city and a woman who shows you around.

The twist being: it turns out the people you talk to are all actually zombies covered by an illusion, and after the woman showing you around makes you promises that you'll stay with her and you two can be friends forever, the game will tell you the final zombie "looks familiar." And if you kill it, a dialog box comes up that just displays the word, "...Liar." It was genuinely one of THE MOST shocking moments in any narrative game I'd ever played.

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#8  Edited By Nodima

I've got no specific memory of the SNES game Kablooey! other than it being the other game my dad bought for it alongside the Mario World pack-in, and once I added Contra III (and a Game Genie, obviously) to the catalog he'd occasionally pop in and wonder if I'd made any progress in Kablooey!

Of a more recent vintage, I always chuckle when I see GreedFall, because I know it has some very vocal fans but even as a Playstation Plus goof I think it will forever hold the record for how quickly dire animations and voice acting repelled me from a game.

Alternatively, Erica was another PS+ "benefit" that is always front of mind because I'd never seen its lead actress, Holly Earl, in anything before or since yet I'm embarrassingly fond of her. The "game" was absolutely no good, and her performance was far from remarkable. And yet, I immediately felt protective of one of Dragon's Dogma 2's many cast aside story-relevant NPCs, Ulrika, only to learn during the credits roll that Earl was her English performer. Truly "weird".

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One line of dialogue from Blackwood Crossing. It's about two kids that have lost their mother. One of the kids is younger and when he's asked to draw his mother's face he struggles and says, "I can't remember what she looks like."

Hit me like a truck, it did.

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I actually second Erica. I don't remember much about the characters and the storyline at all. All I remember is later in the game you have to go through an underground cave that is also a secret laboratory. And I also played it on PS Plus around 3 or 4 years ago.

Another game would be the first Outlast, which I actually liked. But it's been years since I played it and I only remember the stuff that happens during the end, which was the best part. I tried getting into Outlast 2, but It's just not as good. Mainly, because you see the supposed plot twist coming a mile a way. Heard the latest one is a return to form, but I haven't played it yet.

Singularity would be another example. I only remember how fun the gameplay was, despite the presentation being low budget. They really need to make another one.

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Apparently, I remember very little of FF7 cuz I thought they made up a lot of new shit for Remake and Rebirth while playing them but turns out so much of it was in the original...

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#12  Edited By mach_go_go_go

I played through the entirety of 2006 Prey in a weekend and don't remember a single thing about it except that the Blue Oyster Cult song Don't Fear the Reaper is in it. I didn't even remember the context the song was played in until I rewatched a video of the opening.

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#13 bigsocrates  Online

@mach_go_go_go: That game is terrific and really underrated. It does so many interesting things including messing around with portals (in a somewhat different way) before the release of Portal.

I remember so many things from that game but yeah the use of that song was tremendous. However some of the later game events...really edgy stuff for 2006, but in a good "they actually went there!" way.

Also really loved the innovative system where when you die you have to return to the world of the living and some of the weapons.