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    Game » consists of 3 releases. Released Oct 28, 1997

    Known as Overboard! in Europe, Shipwreckers is a top down action game where you play as a Pirate Ship.

    Short summary describing this game.

    Shipwreckers! last edited by janardana on 11/25/21 04:22AM View full history


    Shipwreckers is a third-person arcade-style shooter where you sail around in a pirate ship battling other pirate vessels and destroying the gun turrets and flamethrowers that are defending ports in an attempt to spread your swashbuckling reign of terror. What this actually entails is bringing down their two-colored flags and replace them with a Jolly Roger. 

    Weapons and Powerups

    At your disposal is a an arsenal that ranges from simple cannonballs to mines, oil slicks, and oddly, the occasional antiaircraft rocket. In addition to weapons, there are weird temporary power-ups like the "instant blimp" that pulls in your sails and "grows" a blimp from atop the mainmast allowing you to float over obstacles, and enemies while remaining out of harm's way.  

    Graphics and Tone

    The game never takes itself too seriously, featuring exploding fish, and cute Raggedy Anne pirates morbidly afloat in the water after jumping ship. For the time, the water effects were very impressive, from the glint of light off the waves, to the shadows of airborne predators, to the uncommon transparency effects. When enemy ships are sunk they remain visible below the waves, a few feet beneath the surface. 


    The game features multiplayer games that supported up to 5 players (with the use of a Multi-Tap) and contained several game types, including deathmatch, and a capture the flag variant. 
    All players played on the same screen, with the camera angle zooming out when players moved away from each other.

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