Most unprofessional/dangerous in-ring 'worker'?

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This is another question I've had noodling around my head for quite some time: who do people think is the most dangerous and unprofessional worker in wrestling? I've got a couple of ideas, that hopefully spell out what I'm thinking about:

  • Low Ki - Having Chris Hero respond to a tweeted video of Low Ki kicking him with intense criticism, calling Ki's professionalism into question, has really made me look harder at the clips I see of Ki (and those clips look fucking dangerous in the first place!)
  • Super Dragon - seeing clips of Super Dragon work, and the rate at which he drops MF'ers on their heads with no care, and his careless curb stomp (including stepping on El Generico's head, after delivering the move, and seeing the way Generico grabs his head is super uncomfortable to watch)
  • Brain Damage - again, seeing clips of the way he went about his work is quite uncomfortable and cringe-worthy, as there certainly seems to be some danger in what he did.

Ryback is another one, but the argument that he wouldn't be paired up with John Cena as frequently as he was holds water - but Punk's condemnation of The Big Guy is being super stupid and clumsy doesn't portray him very well.

I'm inclined to say Low Ki, given the relative 'heights' he achieved in his career and the supposed (from appearances at least) danger his version of the double stomp, but man, Super Dragon is a real dick...

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#2  Edited By chaser324  Moderator  Online

The Sexy Star armbar incident of course immediately comes to mind as something so unprofessional that it immediately ended her career. I don't think she really had a reputation for being unsafe prior to that.

Not to speak ill of the recently deceased, but it's hard to not mention New Jack in this conversation. Some of the stuff he did in the ring was so far over the line that it's hard to believe anyone was willing to work with him. I think he was only able to get away with it at all just because of the state of the business when and where he was working - he absolutely wouldn't have been able to work that way in a modern wrestling promotion.

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I mean, Low-Ki has purposefully knocked out people in the ring and he's started shooting on people several times. Then there's Davey Richards and Tony Kozina who never gave a shit about the people they were in the ring with and also sometimes tried to legitimately injure their opponents. Then you've got Teddy Hart who does that shit too and is also most likely a murderer in real life. Of modern wrestlers you have Sasha Banks who just doesn't care about safety. On puro/joshi side Yoshiko fucking ended Act Yasukawa's career on purpose. Also almost too many dangerous ring workers in the history of puro to mention.

Still, nobody comes even close to New Jack. Dude was a real piece of shit inside and outside of the ring. That dude was just plain rotten and a liability to anyone employing him.

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Yeah, I can't look past New Jack. You can't hold a grudge in the ring. And Yoshiko. Moments like that make me in favour of a ref stepping in sooner when someone goes rogue.

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Goldberg forced Bret Hart to retire, so I'll always hold him as a danger for knocking out my favorite wrestler. And that was before dropping Undertaker on his head.

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#6  Edited By Gundato

@csl316: Goldburg mule kicking Bret is definitely an infamous moment, but in terms of inexperienced wrestlers hurting folk it is a drop in the bucket. I want to say it was Seth who is credited with putting Sting out of commission for a few years? Shit happens, especially when the person in the ring is past their prime and has a LOT of accumulated injuries over the years and I more hold it against Billy G for not apologizing enough than for the actual injury. Sometimes a career ender just results in mutual cold hatred (I want to say Austin basically hated Owen with a passion... until... yeah) and sometimes you get the folk who vehemently argue that it was a mistake and nobody should be blamed. Different people handle it differently but there is generally the acknowledgement that some moves go wrong.

As for dropping 'taker on his head: 'Taker spiked the fuck out of Aiden a few months (?) prior and I think also dropped Goldburg? I put all of THAT more on WWE for allowing those two men to be in a ring together than anything else. They were both out of shape, past their prime, and not taking care of their bodies in a very hot environment. Much like when Jeff went out to the ring stoned out of his mind in TNA: It reflects very poorly on the wrestler for doing it and I personally feel that is the kind of thing where you don't get to be a wrestler anymore. But it reflects even worse on the promotion for not tackling his ass in gorilla.

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I forgot about Yoshiko and Sexy Star - there's a special place for those two fuckin' idiots. I'm shocked Yoshiko was brought back after that incident...

And yeah, New Jack has a special place on a list like that as well...

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Nia Jax regularly hurts wrestlers with her lack of skill and ability, then plays the injuries up on social medial to try to make herself seem dangerous, and not just incompetent. Obviously i dont think shes the same kinda shithead as some of the names on this list though.

On that note, Abdullah the Butcher game Devon Nicholson hepatitis-c with an undiscussed razor (covered in his own infected blood) slash. THAT doesnt seem too cool

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@cornfed40: Knew I was forgetting someone! Jax, man... One could though, that her terribleness helped Becky Lynch's push as 'The Man'.

That Abdullah story is FUCKED, and seems likely given public info/knowledge of the man... He seemed like a dick on the episode of Dark Side of the Ring episode he was on...

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The Big Bad Booty Daddy

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Steiner got too big for his moveset, although I see every successful Frankensteiner as some kind of witchcraft.

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Stan Hansen wrestled basically blind and physically mangled people because he couldn't tell when to pull back.

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Yeah, Steiner is a good answer (and, let's face it, his brother isn't exactly the caring, cuddly, protective type either). No doubt the steroids sort of crazied him a lot...

Would Hansen's 'blindness' be part of how Vader's eye got knocked out? Also, mentioning his name, Vader is probably a notable candidate for such a discussion, no?