@fugoy:I was going to post that very same thing! So don't listen to the bad takes @blergh.
An easy start would be Lucha Underground. It's self contained, it's 4 seasons, and it's available on streaming services. It's also mostly a TV show mixed with wrestling that has the vibe of a grindhouse-/b-movie.
For US wrestling, you've got AEW that hands down has more hype and momentum behind it than any other wrestling company in decades. (Unless you count that small sliver of time when the new World of Sport was turning heads but then got destroyed) For a novice, I'd recommend just watching the two TV shows, Dynamite and Rampage. The commentary is good at getting you up to speed on who the people are and what the storylines are. It's just an all-around good time, especially if you're new to wrestling and your mind doesn't constantly look at what's going wrong instead of what's going right (a problem I too suffer from).
Then you've got Impact wrestling which is doing it's own thing. They're purposefully campy and try not to take themselves too seriously. I'm not really sure if they still do it, but I think they stream their show on Twitch on Thursdays. Caution: The commentary is real bad and grating and doesn't really know how to convey what's going on in the matches and storylines.
Finally, for the US round-up you've got the dark horse, MLW, which has a show on Vice? I think? MLW is smaller than the two and takes more chances. They have MMA dudes fighting Mexican Wrestlers and the works.
Then, you've got Japan. The big fish is NJPW, which has the streaming service NJPW World. The notable thing is they're currently featuring Shingo Takagi, who has arguably been the best wrestler in the world for over a decade and is finally getting his big break. NJPW has terrific matches and the English commentary is actually pretty decent. It's more of a sports anime vs. the US wrestling's daytime soap.
Next, you've got the value proposition of WRESTLE UNIVERSE. It's a streaming service run by the company that owns several wrestling federations in Japan. They've got DDT which is known primarily for their comedy stuff such as a ladder winning a wrestling title, but also have good matches. It's where a lot of big stars in NJPW and AEW got their breaks. Then there's NOAH, the legendary Japanese wrestling federation that is making a strong comeback and had an absolute banger of a year in 2020. They have absolute masterpieces of heavyweight matches. (The service also has the old NOAH matches which are still considered to be the best wrestling matches in the history of wrestling). Finally, you've got Tokio Joshi Pro, a women's wrestling federation based around strong characterization. TJPW is working together with AEW, so you'll see their wrestlers make appearances in AEW from time to time.
Last, but not least, is my federation of choice: Dragon Gate, streaming on Dragon Gate Network. Dragon Gate is a weird mix of Mexican wrestling styles and Japanese Junior Heavyweight wrestling styles. Unlike other Japanese wrestling federations, Dragon Gate puts a lot of emphasis on mic work and storylines. Their match style is fast paced, but mixes in a lot of storytelling. When you try to get into it the matches can seem dauntingly hard to follow with the speed, but the choreography mesmerizing to watch. Then, when you get into it, you'll start seeing the actual meaning behind it all: the way a lot of the moves and segments are actually reflections of past matches. While that is true for all wrestling, Dragon Gate puts an absolute focus on it. They also have yearly weird traditions, such as the Dead or Alive Cage match, where wrestlers have to gamble on things in a cage match with always different convoluted rules, or the Doi Darts, where small children throwing darts determine matches and storylines for the coming year.
All in all, just go for it man. What have you got to lose, other than your time or a maximum of 10 dollars? Heck, just watch it together with friends either live or over the internet. Wrestling is a social event and it really benefits from having friends to enjoy it with.
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