Congrats to Dark Echo for having THE MOST '90s CAW name I've ever heard outside of my own.Gabriel "The Angel" Rider nods approvingly.
@atheistpreacher said:@undeadpool: Yeah, there are certainly plenty of JRPGs with swimsuit costumes (and, y'know, Dead or Alive, LOL), but for this I think the idea is that you have a game with indiv...
@atheistpreacher said:@undeadpool: I wish I could remember other past instances of games that had "armor that makes a character look more naked than just removing everything." It really would be a fu...
@atheistpreacher: Yeah, I figured, it's just always good to point out the whole executive pay thing since people (not you) like to hide behind the whole "skyrocketing dev costs" talking-point. Which, ...
Half-Minute Hero is generally a weird, slightly too-meta puzzle/RPG, but there's one level where you're dealing with a very strange city and a woman who shows you around.The twist being: SPOILER It...
@atheistpreacher: The other issue with this is that it doesn't take into account that while worker pay has stagnated, executive pay has skyrocketed, so the notion that games "should cost more" becomes...
Loved this write-up! I have come to the conclusion that this game simply isn't "for me" at the moment, but I do love hearing people for whom it did resonate talk about it. Kind of like EVE Online or ...
I'd be intrigued if this is any kind of seismic shift (per capita, anyway) away from MMOs or MOBAs or Battle Royales, even, in their day, and I'd like to see what that 8% actually constitutes in-terms...
I want to like this game, but I feel like I'm genuinely "playing it wrong." I've accidentally sequence broke 3 quests, one of which is a major one, and it feels like I am stumbling through things lik...
I genuinely hope that Dan forgets that Raditz is one-and-done all over again.Both he and Jeff confirming, "You don't just introduce the main character's brother and then kill him off immediately. We ...
Dan Ryckert continues to construct an increasingly elaborate stick with which to beat himself and I am here for it.
@bigsocrates: People might be sick of hearing it as an explanation, but "what happened to all these sites" is: late-stage capitalism. "Profits NOW NOW NOW NOW, why are we making $5 reporting the news ...
Oh my knees and hip flexors!This lined up perfectly with me moving to a new apartment and picking up this game cause I knew I'd be able to play it, regardless of internet connection. The internet tur...
The issue with Superman 64 (not even the game's actual title) is that it remained a punching bag for people who already hated how prominent and "boring" Superman was. Add onto that the changes that W...
Of course they don't care, literally who's going to make them?Companies can take PR hits and pretend it's "punishment," (and their weird online sycophants CERTAINLY will) but unless someone makes them...
"All the Stars and Teeth" by Adalyn Grace is such a breath of fresh air in the fantasy space.It's about pirates and the high seas and a fleshmancer princess, and my GOD, it's so refreshing to read a ...
It's important to remember, as well: as you get older, you start to be able to "see the strings" of videogames a bit more, and it simply becomes harder and harder to get that old feeling back. Hence ...
The "Cook, Serve, Delicious!" series is something I find myself going back to when I get into one of these funks. There's something incredibly cathartic about the flow of the games, especially as you...
Abby should write a damn book already.
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