Working my Shoot friends playing an RPG as a Kayfabe Gimmick (looking for more terms to use)

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A group of friends are starting up an Avatar Legends pen & paper RPG campaign. I went in set on giving my character a wrestler persona similar to “The Boulder”. His shoot name is Takanni, but in public he refers to himself in the third person by his gimmick name “The Bane”.

Anyways, Dan Ryckert doubling down on the wrestling lingo has broken me and I want to lean in extra hard for the character’s table talk. Obviously gonna do the whole shoot/work/gimmick routine. I’m even going to stick to insisting that he’s got a championship Title around his waist (belts are what hold up pants). But I want suggestions for some more to add in.

And not just individual phrases. I want to sprinkle in references to other wrestling gimmicks and slogans. For example, I’m hoping we get some sort of scenario where I have to convince someone to put something on and can go They Live shouting “Put on the glasses!” or whatever it may be.

So, suggestions? Ideas?

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"My god! That's XYZ's music!"

Also, skip to 4:20 in this video for more lingo from Dan.

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#3 bigsocrates  Online

If he doesn't call everyone, especially enemies, a "mark" then he's doing it wrong.

He should complain about screwjobs when he gets tricked or mislead.

Loot can be called "payouts" (what wrestlers used to get based on ticket sales for a show.)

He could "work a program" with a campaign big bad.

He should definitely try to tag out during battle at least once. That's necessary. He also needs to pin an unconscious enemy.

There's the unsavory term "rats" used for wrestling groupies that could be used if you enter a house of ill repute.

I would have him "blade" by cutting himself to draw blood to psych himself up Jon Moxley style.

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Loot can be called "payouts" (what wrestlers used to get based on ticket sales for a show.)

  • Adding to this, he should talk about "visiting the paywindow" whenever collecting rewards. It's how in the olden days they'd talk about winning wrestlers getting the winner's purse (in kayfabe).
  • Every item is a gimmick. A sword is a sword gimmick, a letter is a paper gimmick, a key is a lock gimmick, and so on.
  • He needs to call every enemy a jabronie and every friend a brother. And in addition to jabronie, losing is jobbing.
  • You need a catchphrase. The more dumber the better. The more often you use it when it doesn't fit, the better.
  • You should have a personal interviewer follow you around.
  • "Break his back, make him humble."
  • Call little kids Bane-a-maniacs. Or something similar.
  • Finally, I disagree on the belt thing. The whole "do not refer it to as a belt" is mostly a Vince McMahon / sports entertainment thing. If anything, your character should get mad when somebody calls it a title because that implies he's not a real working man, since most (especially old-school) wrestlers fucking LOATHED that McMahonism.

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#5  Edited By WulfBane

Loving the suggestions. Yeah, I'll have to come up with/modify a catch phrase. And yeah, calling it a belt will be easier because the water tribe costume I picked has a waist wrap that pretty clearly IS holding up his pants.

I'll say that the Avatar Legends RPG is built on the Powered by the Apocalypse framework. It's a framework Austin used on a few of the New Years Beastcast RPGs. My first time with the system but it seems it's going to be less about amassing gear. Especially since there are bender PCs. So character advancement (to my understanding from what the GM said) has two tracks. The "boring" type from accomplishing story goals but also more interesting improvements where you earn another type of xp when you fail and learn from your mistakes.

So while I don't think I'll get too many chances to rave about "payouts", the playbook I'm using (sort of like a character class) has a list of 20 goals to achieve under the notion of proving himself. I pick 4 at a time and I'll gain advancement as they're achieved. Typical things like thwarting big bads, saving allies, etc. One of them is litterally is "buy yourself a new fancy outfit" so that will certainly be a fun highlight and let him peacock around with.

And I don't think I'll be doing the heel "leave a fight I don't like". But he does have an ability that if he's about to faint/be incapacitated/etc, he can get one last action in before he falls. So in addition to the idea of pinning an unconscious foe, I'm hoping for a chance where another player drags his unconscious body on someone for a pin.

We only had our session zero for character creation and a brief kick off moment in a tavern that involved someone trying to hide from town guards. When the guards entered and asked "where is he?" I did make an attempt to distract by standing and boldly proclaiming "Ah yes. Here. The Bane is always ready to greet his fans." (I promptly crit failed that roll but someone else had simultaneously enacted their own distraction that worked)