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My cat doesn't meow so much as she grumbles.

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  • Mezmero posted a message on the post Giant News.

    I've been repressing a lot of vitriolic opinions of Jeff as a critic and a business owner but no matter what I think about the man now I can't just sweep away the literal years of laughter he gave m...

  • Mezmero posted a message in the forum topic What are you playing at the moment?. on the General Discussion board

    Finally got a PS5 last week, I didn't necessarily need one for any other reason than playing my PS4 library on a machine that isn't screaming in pain after 8 years of use.I never bring it up because I...

  • Mezmero posted a message in the forum topic What are you playing at the moment?. on the General Discussion board

    Still playing runs of Curse of the Dead Gods on and off. The more I play this game the more I think they missed a trick by not having a Darkest Dungeon-esque narrator. As far as I know there's no mod ...

  • Mezmero posted a message in the forum topic The new PlayStation subscription tiers have been revealed and I am very underwhelmed. Maybe good for newbies.. on the PlayStation Plus board

    I'd like a PS5 before I even consider subscription tiers thank you very much. But yeah I'm already swamped with games.

  • Mezmero posted a message in the forum topic I just overwrote my save. I feel Jan's pain.. on the General Discussion board

    @topcyclist: That reminds me I had the PSP collection at one point and was working my way through the unlocks. Unfortunately my PSP got stolen at work with Valkyrie Profile inside of it. It was my f...

  • Mezmero posted a message in the forum topic I just overwrote my save. I feel Jan's pain.. on the General Discussion board

    I accidentally saved over my Power Stone 2 VMU save, so ALL of my items got reset to beginning. If you know how painstaking it is to unlock items in that game you understand my pain.Most recently a ...

  • Mezmero posted a message in the forum topic That’s Good, That’s Bad: Guilty Gear Strive. on the General Discussion board

    @gtxforza said:Guilty Gear is such an awesome fighting game franchise.Edit: I'm not a big fan of fighting games though.You should be required to solve a captcha when you post like this...

  • Mezmero posted a message in the forum topic What are you playing at the moment?. on the General Discussion board

    I've been back on my Rogue-esque bullshit. Been playing some Binding of Issac for the first time on my Switch and I also bought it with Repentance if that makes a difference. It's really cool if ex...

  • Mezmero posted a message on the post 06: YOUR BEAUTY ONLY DEEPENS MY RAGE.

    I always love how much this series has the passion for fashion. Keep in mind the Pillar Men awakened wearing practically nothing and yet both of these dudes went to the trouble of updating and access...

  • Mezmero posted a message in the forum topic That’s Good, That’s Bad: Guilty Gear Strive. on the General Discussion board

    The combos contain potassium benzoate...that's bad...I would say another negative to this game is the story mode. It's admirable that they put a small season of anime made in-engine and honestly I e...

  • Mezmero posted a message in the forum topic A positive thread about what you're currently playing. on the General Discussion board

    It's been amusing to be completely out of the loop on Elden Ring while I've been blasting through some fantastic bite-sized Souls-like and Souls-adjacent games.Bowser's Fury - This is probably the big...

  • Mezmero posted a message on the post 05: Professor Exposition.

    See I got this friend named...Jovial JoJo...Jr...Shabadoo?

  • Mezmero posted a message on the post Coke Discourse - Giant Bomb Animated.

    When I tried it the one time it just tasted like oatmeal/sugar cookies.

  • Mezmero posted a message in the forum topic Can Kirby Choke?. on the General Discussion board

    I'd like to see Kirby do a tight 5 on open mic night without choking.

  • Mezmero posted a message on the post 04: New York's JeffJeff.

    I'm following the podcast but not watching along so I don't remember if it's as explicit in the anime. I believe the concept of Space Ripper Stingy Eyes is supposed to be body fluid being projected ou...

  • Mezmero posted a message in the forum topic Overwhelming urge to revisit an old game in my library. on the General Discussion board

    The last time I played it I made some progress in Dragon's Dogma until I didn't. I don't know what it was but I just didn't find the world interesting at all which feels like certain death in the fan...

  • Mezmero posted a message in the forum topic Amazons live action "The Wheel of Time.". on the Off-Topic board

    I finally binged through it last weekend and it turns out, I kinda liked it! Maybe being nearly 2 decades removed from the source material has made me less precious about it, maybe I've just mellowe...