Hi dudes,
So, I don't watch much anime these days. I know it's totally a "medium" and not a genre, but I fell out with it. Which is weird, as I did my entire degree about anime (My thesis was about Posthumanism in Sci-Fi Anime), but I honestly kinda fell out of love with it. Modern tropes/cliches and the general switch to more mass market appeal stuff like those stupid Isekai shows and shows with titles like "I was a hot 16 year old female student but I fell in a pit and now I'm a human fridge" honestly just drove me away
I have found a shining light in One Piece. I read it religiously for about ten years (From about Skypeia to Dressrosa) and I was totally in love with it. I don't even know what happened, but I just stopped reading one week.
I picked up the anime at Egghead, and oh man, I'm invested
The animation itself is sublime, the story is brilliant, and I really like it.
Honestly, I'm not that into this awakaened Devil Fruit stuff. It seems like power level creep and a false way of making crappy people powerful. I mean I know Rob Lucci is back? Isn't he from 20 years ago?
Is anyone else watching One Piece right now?
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