@gmarius This is correct. The way the dates work is if the full date is in our wiki, then you'll see the date appear in the original_release_date field otherwise it's null. The Spongebob Squarepants ...
@anonymousbroccoli Thanks for the heads up. The videos should appear in the carousel now.
@clintdriftwood: You'll need to create a list first before the button appears in the text editor to embed it into your blog/post.
Keep testing them blogs
blog blog blogclick trap test1. Test2. Hitman3. Hulk Hogan
@majorlinux I regenerated your API key and blocked the other one that was being misused. Let me know if things work out now for you.
@james_passion Releases should be filterable by game now.
@conmulligan The video_show(s) endpoint should now include a logo image that is the transparent show artwork. Note that not all shows have a logo image.
@calvinball The chat(s) endpoints should now show the correct site_detail_url.
Will take a look.
There isn't a endpoint for it. We have a RSS mashup feed of the latest content available: https://www.giantbomb.com/feeds/mashup/
I'll take a look. That is definitely a bug.
I'll take a look.
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