Don't forget that Twitch is also killing Nintendo Switch support this month.
Love me some Ben Pack. Always will. Good write-up 🙏
Disco Elysium is truly one of the best games of all time. Evocative, one way or the other. Very thoughtful write-up 👌
Xalavier comes through once again 🙏 Motherfucking Beat Down. If you haven't yet, you should also look into the similarly named, but totally different weird game, Breakdown. Messy controls aside, I thi...
Bethesda is pretty good at riding a median of busywork. Sometimes, that's exactly what you need.
In a year of remakes, Metroid Prime is definitely the second best game of all time 🙏
One way to get AEW higher on the list: Where is Evil Uno!?
There's lists again this year? AND Drew Scanlon? AND AND Mega Drive games? Say it isn't so 🤯o7
Book of Memories don't sound so bad anymore now huh 😤
I agree that Dark and Darker needs a mention. It's such a weird situation that they have to try to drum up sympathy by publishing the game themselves, with pretty much exactly the trappings that peopl...
My thoughts: I think it sucks balls that the first F-Zero in decades is tied to Nintendo's worthless paying online system :) I'm not paying for a service I won't use to fiddle with the reanimated corp...
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