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  • KamasamaK posted a message on the post 786: Moms Love Zelda.

    Jan asking for tiles in Horizon Forbidden West makes me think he didn't play it much since Machine Strike literally has tiles.

  • KamasamaK posted a message on the post 781: GASLIGHT DOGS.

    I'd really like to know what they find indecipherable about the PlayStation Plus tiers. I've heard complaints from multiple people in the games press, but it seems mostly straightforward to me. The on...

  • KamasamaK posted a message on the post S02E20: An ordinary videogame setup.

    I just want to point out that the translation I'm watching refers to Episode 40 as "D'Arby the Gamer, Part 1", which I think is both better and worse than the actual title.

  • KamasamaK posted a message on the post S02E19: The Cursed Episode.

    I didn't understand the question about whether the book is evil. It just seems to be depicting that future based on Boingo's goal to have the JoJo crew killed, which is an evil goal. Since Hol Horse f...

  • KamasamaK posted a message on the post S02E18: Boingo in the Box.

    @staplegun said: The D'Arby scene was one of the very few times that the OVA outshines the remake (and David Production did a great job), it's good as hell - Definitely w...

  • KamasamaK posted a message on the post S02E18: Boingo in the Box.

    @garnsr said:Is John saying he sounds the same as Jeff saying fuck? And Tam and Lucy agree? It clearly sounds like "book" when John says it, but Tam sounds like he's using the same letters as Jeff. I ...

  • KamasamaK posted a message on the post Opening Night Live and Future Game Show.

    The problem with this format is that it's heavily weighted on the quality of the beginning of the trailer. The First Descendant had cinematics to start, which I guess is why it was skipped, though I'm...

  • KamasamaK posted a message in the forum topic New video player rolling out today. on the Bug Reporting board

    Checking back a month later, these are still issues for me:Videos still start muted.Clicking most of the bottom controls also pauses the video. Because of the above issue, I always click the volume ic...

  • KamasamaK posted a message in the forum topic New video player rolling out today. on the Bug Reporting board

    For me, the video player layout is pretty busted. Here is what I see:LinkThe frame is so tiny compared to the page width. When I click the play button, it does work, but in that tiny frame. However, n...

  • KamasamaK posted a new image.
  • KamasamaK posted a message on the post 772: Time Week.

    The Last of Us is a highly-rated, popular TV series based on an award-winning video game. The incentive to write/talk about it is already clear without having to resort to accusations of astroturfing.

  • KamasamaK posted a message in the forum topic Wiki Style Guide: How to Properly Add a Game's Release Data. on the Wiki board

    @marino: Thanks for clarifying. The releases section was explained well enough, but I checked a couple FAQs and didn't see that information for the main infobox. I did not want to assume that "a relea...

  • KamasamaK posted a message on the post 44.

    I love when they get a question and go off on such a tangent that they forget the actual question. For instance, I don't think any of them answered the "worst smell" question from Bodies Out, but the ...

  • KamasamaK posted a message in the forum topic Wiki Style Guide: How to Properly Add a Game's Release Data. on the Wiki board

    Even though this is mostly about the Releases section, there's also the Game Details section that has release data such as "First release date", so I figure this is as good a place as any to ask this....

  • KamasamaK posted a message on the post 42.

    Context for the "Ben Hanson doesn't understand the dog thing" anecdote:Ben's innovative pet idea

  • KamasamaK posted a message on the post 41.

    I don't think Jess is weird for knowing what SCP is, but I do think it's weird to be surprised when someone doesn't know something like that. I'm 37 years old (like a year younger than Dan) and been u...

  • KamasamaK posted a message on the post Super Mario Brothers Movie Trailer 2.

    Bakalar still holding onto that vendetta with Seth Rogen.

  • KamasamaK posted a message on the post The Game Awards 2022.

    For Bingo, you could have marked off "Mispronounced Winner". Pacino said "God of War: Raganok".