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  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic Videos Not Working on Chrome. on the Bug Reporting board

    Reposting for visability (not sure appropriate threads b/c tbh these forums are a mess): I switched to GB player since video removed from YT due to copyright (SSX) but now can't get back to YT player...

  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic The absolute dire state of the website and video playback. on the Bug Reporting board

    I switched to GB player since video removed from YT due to copyright (SSX) but now can't get back to YT player which is way better. Is there really no way to switch back now? They used to have the "....

  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic Jirard Khalil "The Completionist" has seemingly been committing fraud by pocketing charity donations. on the General Discussion board

    I don't know if any one was around long enough to remember early days of Jirard the Completionist, but he used to have a creative partner that was in nearly every video for first 3 or so years. Event...

  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic Jirard Khalil "The Completionist" has seemingly been committing fraud by pocketing charity donations. on the General Discussion board

    You guys are way too invested in the drama and out of touch. Big difference between arrogant YouTubers who frequently took advantage of female fans for sexual favors and well-meaning guy who is in ov...

  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic Jirard Khalil "The Completionist" has seemingly been committing fraud by pocketing charity donations. on the General Discussion board

    Sure could have been handled better but this is everything wrong with the internet: Some chucklehead "journalist" does an investigation, people take it as gospel, and never think once if they should ...

  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic Jirard Khalil "The Completionist" has seemingly been committing fraud by pocketing charity donations. on the General Discussion board

    People are irate and I don't really get it. Jirard's family is to blame, not him. That's rough. And "pocketed the money" in this context means hasn't spent it yet which A) is a lot better then spendi...

  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic What exactly is wrong with the film Broken Arrow?. on the Off-Topic board

    Did a ChatGPT bot really revive a thread about Broken Arrow? The future rules, dude.I was bummed Dan Ryckert didn't enjoy this one. I love this film. My favorite part is when Christian Slater does th...

  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic Ryan Davis, 1979 - 2013. on the Ryan Davis board

    I started relistening to the memorial episode which I've been dreading but realize now that was a reflection of how I felt at the time. The podcast itself is actually a really upbeat, celebration of ...

  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic Ryan Davis, 1979 - 2013. on the Ryan Davis board

    I've been relistening to every Bombcast on it's 10th anniversary since 2022 and now up to next week which is Ryan Davis memorial episode. Feels dumb putting myself through this bummer again knowing i...

  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic Old podcasts not downloading. on the Bug Reporting board

    The old RSS feed broke for me earlier this month but found the Spotify feed somehow works and lets me download old episodes. That still stinks though since I been using that RSS feed for over a decad...

  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic Old videos just playing a black screen?. on the Bug Reporting board

    @nicolenomicon Thanks for sharing that awesome tip! I thought all the old videos were just broken but that clear cookies and sign-in solution solved for me and now videos even resume progress again.

  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic New video player rolling out today. on the Bug Reporting board

    Rolling out a player that is unable to play old content followed by Rorie leaving is not a good look. Think it's time I start taking archive seriously and download the stuff I care about before it's ...

  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic Thank you Giant Bomb / Breakup Guilt. on the Bombcast board

    I've been rewatching GB videos every day from 10 years ago and it's been fun. Surprised how much I still enjoy/listening. I knew it was pure gold back then but reliving it really shows how timeless i...

  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic New video player rolling out today. on the Bug Reporting board

    This new player is awful. Terrible decision to roll this out in its current state and not even give option of using older player. You can't resume videos which is a core feature this site is designed...

  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic Hogwarts Legacy and the Dilemma of Ethical Consumption. on the Hogwarts Legacy board

    Anyone else old enough to remember when we had this same conversation around Orson Scott Card and Advent Rising? That one was a lot easier since the game sucked and Card sucked even more.

  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic Jess and Jason have been laid off (Updated). on the General Discussion board

    @moobaa said: @theonewhoplays: As others have noted, it's pretty common practice in any IT-related industry. This is to prevent any malicious acts (like trashing source repositories or databases). How...

  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic Jess and Jason have been laid off (Updated). on the General Discussion board

    @uhtaree: I'm mostly in the same boat. As someone who watched daily, think GOTY awards and few reaction streams are only things I watched in last few years. Watched some of those arcade shows which ar...

  • LonelySpacePanda posted a message in the forum topic Jess and Jason have been laid off (Updated). on the General Discussion board

    @bigsocrates said:@lonelyspacepanda: Even if they did have a good reason and they tried everything they could to save the jobs and couldn't make the numbers work they didn't have to do it the way the...