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  • katelyngadd posted a message in the forum topic Getting logged out repeatedly. on the Bug Reporting board

    Got a huge ad on the front page on my first visit today, but it seemed like the website realized I was logged in once I started browsing around.

  • katelyngadd posted a message on the post Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion - Part 2.

    When I try to download this, it suddenly slows down a lot around 600mb in to the point of never finishing. The estimate went from 5 minutes to 10 hours. Other videos on the site are fine

  • katelyngadd posted a message on the post 02/07/20.

    @lestephan said:@katsu044: besides the characters this doesnt have anything to with what granblue fantasy is though right? Im very interested in versus but have 0 interest in a phone app with gatcha m...

  • katelyngadd posted a message on the post Streets of Rogue.

    A few minutes in to the QL and there's already been a fat joke, multiple incredibly tasteless jokes about slavery, and a bunch of other stuff. I am genuinely astonished. I have not seen this in a vide...

  • katelyngadd posted a message on the post Episode 08.

    @dogpostsonly said:Love watching the crime crew and their hijinks.Edit: Y'all did real good to complete the mission considering you couldn't see the road in front of you.Got to say though, every singl...

  • katelyngadd followed Giant Bomb @ Nite - Live From E3 2019: Nite 1 .