I might have to check this out. I too haven't played ED:SR in....17 years? More? So I was going to do it a month back or so but couldn't get dolphin to read my controller inputs, was very bummed.I hop...
Fucking sucks. I'm devastated. Almost 10 years I've been here. Lot of changes over the years, this hurts most since Ryan's passing.Hope the best for everyone and hope to follow everyone and their futu...
RPCGMiss me the Dave/Vinny content
I've been waiting almost a decade for them to add in a particular missing game into a discussion and I thought we would've gotten it......AND WE FUCKING DIDN'T.PERSONA 4 is the best game of 08 compar...
Bye Ben, best of luck to you and your future endeavours. Please come and visit from time to time!
Im not crazy, that was benedict cumberbotch as the killer?Buying when available even if i never play it. After contradiction i said i would buy whatever tim does next. Cant wait.
Question for you all.Computer is 4 years old, with a 1070 and higher parts from that time. For the past few months, maybe even longer but more frequent now, the computer will hard lock during gaming. ...
Should be an interesting year for the GotY podcasts. Feel like it will be similar to 2014 where it will be a bunch of flawed games making up the final list for the crew.
Good luck Abby, best wishes and hope you stop by the Beastcast and crew every so often.Crazy that GBeast lost 50% of their crew in less than a year
Dont know the metacritic score but the game does get a lot of hate.....I fucking loved Dantes Inferno. Been meaning to replay it for a few years now but i played the game years after it came out and i...
DP2 allowed me to give swery money
I pretty much only buy games on sale at this point. If there is a franchise or developer releasing a game I will get it day one and try to prioritize playing the game. Example would be Doom Eternal, ...
@sethmode: It's not really taken seriously here in Idaho. It's frustrating. Very much a it hasn't happened to me or I don't know anyone with it so it must be bullshit (obvious largely MAGA country too...
I'm in rural Idaho, masks are maybe 50% in my city, which is better than what it was in June.At my work, masks are mandatory for employees but is not enforced. Several of my immediate coworkers pretty...
Persona 4add 30 hours of necessary grinding to beat the game
Incredibly important to me. I barely have time to play games since having multiple kids running around, I cant feel like I'm wasting what little time I get. Games over 20 hours have to really grab me,...
@pajamariot: Not since early 2019, they decided to only do uPlay and Epic. All major releases last year skipped Steam. I hate both stores but I could at least respect them if they did only uPlay, just...
I was pretty bored right off the bat with it. Legion looked......idk. still need to play 2 anyways but when it was announced it sounded awesome but I've turned on Legion since. AC looked weak and I th...
Still saddened by this loss. Miss you Ryan
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