I definitely relate to Matt Rorie more than any other duder. I also am a motor mouth, have no shame, and love puppies (though I am not credited on any games as cool as Alpha Protocol).
Imagine being so sensitive that a marketing email sends you into a tizzy. Also you literally have to opt-in to these emails.
@sombre said:Look forward to paying games you could run on your toaster and browing youtube/reddit and not ACTUALLY playing any gamesWow dude, why did you have to get personal? I didn't do anything to...
Then after you pay for your dungeon, you get it taken away from you in a few years!
Microsoft is making Sony look stupid with smart delivery on stuff like this.
This has been my wallpaper for over 5 years now. Just brings me tranquility, peace, and hope.
My friend got his stolen and the weirdest part of it was the cops actually discovered the theft ring and managed to return the catalytic converter to him. I think he had a 2002 Accord when this happe...
People who think Dark Souls 2 is bad can eat a butt, that game is great just overshadowed by the fact that the other Souls games are incredible.
Ouch, that's a punch in the gut. Been listening and watching my whole adult life.Well wishes to the guys and thanks for everything you've done!
Just Cause 2 demo, I will have that Bolo Santosi voice over in my head until the day I die. "My name is Bolo Santosi. I am the leader of the revolutionary army known as the Reapers."
As long as Jan and Vinny keep playing this series, I'll keep watching. Thanks for the entertaining content fellas!
Awesome, I hope we'll see more of Bakalar on video content. Goodbye rotating chair!
@rorie: bracket 10, CrimsonJesus wins 2-1 over thevamp25
@rorie: how should we report results? should we just leave them as comments or PM you in some format?
Yes we're back! Thanks for coming back to this feature, nice to hear your voice back to normal again Vinny.
Man this is a flashback to that early 2000s internet bait you'd see on GameSpot forums and the like.
Awesome I'd love to play some duders, it's a lot less annoying to lose to people that aren't randoms.MurderByDeath#83407
Knew this was coming, I can't believe EA actually said they'd try to bring this one out of the gutter. Maybe COVID killed what was left of Anthem, but that game needed A Realm Reborn levels of effort...
Strange timing for me. I was literally playing GTA3 and Vice City in the past few weeks out of nostalgia (I've pretty much exclusively been listening to 80s music for a month now) and this feels like ...
Started it last night, played for over three straight hours and I felt like 30 minutes had passed, what an addictive game.
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