Is it just me or does Jeff Bakalar need a highpass filter on his mic?

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Edited By AlpineHermit

Poll Is it just me or does Jeff Bakalar need a highpass filter on his mic? (84 votes)

Jeff Bakalar should put a highpass filter on his mic. 33%
Naw it is fine. 67%

I know this is maybe nitpicky, but when ever I turn on my high quality monitors while listening to the bombcast Jeff Bakalars voice is very boomy in a way that talks over others / is distracting. Maybe he has a extra deep voice or an extra nice mic that picks up those low frequencies but I find I need to put a highpass filter over the whole podcast to get it where I can listen to it on nice speakers. It sounds fine on little speakers with out the bass range / response. I dunno it has been bugging me for ages but it also is maybe a niche production problem? I mean it isn't going to stop me from listening but I kind of feel like it is such an easy solution to get the production quality just that much better on the bombcast. Is this even the right place to post about this kind of stuff?

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He definitely has some low tones in his voice, but I think you should maybe turn down the bass on your monitors. I have a subwoofer in my PC audio setup, and with the levels sitting right in the middle Bakalar isn't bothering me.

Of course all audio gear is different, etc. etc.

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I forget when it happened but at some point in the GBeast era he got a new, better mic and I've thought this ever since then. It's not distractingly bad for me, but definitely a little boomy on the low end. My permanent PC audio setup is the same hand-wired stereo HiFi amp and speakers someone just gave me 20 years ago and I get really good quality sound from it, but it does mean hearing things I suspect most viewers/listeners don't.

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#3  Edited By AlpineHermit

@frytup: yeah I hear that I mean my mixer has a high pass on it and I use it to clean up low end when I listen. My monitors themselves are genelecs which are pretty decent studio monitors and should give a pretty neutral sound without EQing.

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I only hear Jeff Bakalar on the Giant Bombcast these days, but I do feel a highpass filter would help a lot. Listening through my old smartphone with decent monitoring headphones I still get a case of the booms a few times per episode.

As has been said in the thread already, listening to podcasts with any good audio gear probably isn't helping.