We've hit the first year of The HotSpot, the second year of The HotSpot, as well as the first year of 1UP Yours and the first month of The Adam Carolla Show. Now it's time to visit the third year of The HotSpot, and the last year featuring Jeff Gerstmann, Rich Gallup, and Ryan, Alex, and Vinny at GameSpot. I've always found it difficult to pick between the three years of The HotSpot, but if you forced me to choose, I might choose 2007 -- it has so many crazy, unbelievably funny moments, and it's hard to imagine anything toppling it from the pyramid's peak.
2007 saw the end of what is, for all intents and purposes, 'volume one' of The HotSpot. Though the show continues today, much of its famous cast, including Rich Gallup, Jeff Gerstmann, Ryan Davis, and Alex Navarro, left throughout 2007. Despite the departures throughout, the show remained consistently canny and consistently funny, and is nothing short of top quality today.
Timestamps (Part One)
0:07:30 - Korn and Haze
0:30:30 - Movies
1:38:00 - Video game violence, including Manhunt 2
2:46:00 - Various video games
3:38:00 - Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony
Timestamps (Part Two)
0:00:30 - Random clips
0:21:00 - Emails
0:36:00 - Phone calls
2:52:00 - Goodbyes
3:37:00 - Show close
Just as with the 2006 show, I've split this into two parts. It's actually a few minutes longer than 2006 -- somewhere just over eight hours. A great travel companion? I sure hope so. Here's the first part, and here's the second part (direct MP3 links). Here's the page on our blog if you want more information; follow us on Twitter for timely updates. I'm going to start posting quotes every two days or so, so it's worth following if you want to laugh at some old-timey quotes. You'll need the RSS feed to keep up with the releases. And you can like the show on Facebook, where you'll get updates and quotes just like on Twitter.
A quick request, if you'll allow me -- as far as I can tell, the show isn't up on iTunes yet. I don't have iTunes because I don't use any Apple products. I actually downloaded it with the intention of installing it, but then I saw that it wanted to dump a whole lot of other stuff on me like Quicktime, and I didn't want to jump through the hoops. However, I understand that anybody can submit a podcast to iTunes. All the information it needs is coded into the RSS feed already. So if an enterprising Giant Bomb user would be so good as to submit the podcast to the store, I would be very grateful and more than highly appreciative.
That's all from me. I hope you guys enjoy this part. Next we'll be continuing with 1UP Yours. Stay on the lookout!
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