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  • wcarle posted a message in the forum topic If the Play button is not working for you on videos, please report here. on the Bug Reporting board

    @hero_swe: @alistercat: @lanerobertlane: Apologies guys, we didn't intend to have the video player not load when analytic & performance scripts were disabled. They actually aren't required but th...

  • wcarle posted a message in the forum topic If the Play button is not working for you on videos, please report here. on the Bug Reporting board

    @crusader8463 That's really puzzling, the error you posted is from a third party script, not related to the video player. My guess is that it's related to the above mentioned script. Un...

  • wcarle posted a new image.
  • wcarle posted a new image.
  • wcarle posted a message on the post 1/24/20.

    @tanstaafl @tr0n @corvak @bstrom @bawaloFYI guys, the reason the player takes so long to load is because certain adblockers (like ublock) block our video metrics plugin. The thing that tells us how we...

  • wcarle posted a new image.
  • wcarle posted a new image.
  • wcarle posted a new image.
  • wcarle posted a new image.
  • wcarle posted a new image.
  • wcarle posted a new image.
  • wcarle posted a new image.
  • wcarle posted a message on the post Docked And Loaded.

    @zoofame: Unfortunately this isn't simply an issue of: There's a bug why won't you guys fix it instead of working on the hot new shit. For things like video encodes, podcast feed problems, things lik...

  • wcarle posted a message in the forum topic GB Player does not play videos on Firefox mobile. on the Bug Reporting board

    @the_nubster: @rorie: @the_nubster: @ronindrummer200: @biospock: Hey y'all, I've tried this out on my pixel 3 using the latest firefox browser and it seems to be fine. Are there any more details you ...

  • wcarle posted a new image.
  • wcarle posted a new image.