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  • DrRandle posted a message in the forum topic Today Marks the 15th Anniversary Of The Giant Bomb Persona 4 Endurance Run. on the Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 board

    I was fortunate to already be watching Giant Bomb, and coincidentally started playing Persona 4 right before this started. It was a great line-up of events. It also coincided with me uprooting my lif...

  • DrRandle posted a message in the forum topic What does a mirror look like if you arn't looking at it?. on the Off-Topic board

    They look like the mirror's in most video games.

  • DrRandle posted a message in the forum topic Old videos just playing a black screen?. on the Bug Reporting board

    Just adding that I had the problem in Microsoft Edge (I know, I know). Cleared up after a cookie/cache clear and full exit and restart of the browser. The problem with the black screen is that it doe...

  • DrRandle posted a message on the post Jan Ochoa's Top 10 Games of 2022.

    Awesome, thanks Jan!

  • DrRandle posted a message on the post Mirror Forge.

    @manlypup: Thanks friend!

  • DrRandle posted a message on the post The Callisto Protocol.

    This looks like a great Game Pass game... Even then, though.

  • DrRandle posted a message in the forum topic Why was Friday Night Forking dropped from the schedule?. on the General Discussion board

    I think there was a mention of only being contracted for the 4 weeks. It seemed like they just wanted to highlight his work so people would watch it. The fact that they only aired one of his four epi...

  • DrRandle posted a message in the forum topic What was the best opening hour or ending hour to a game you've ever played?. on the General Discussion board

    I need to compile an official list of best opening hours, because it's a fascinating thing. The three big ones I always come back to are: Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit had something incredibly different...

  • DrRandle posted a new image.
  • DrRandle posted a new image.
  • DrRandle posted a new image.
  • DrRandle posted a new image.
  • DrRandle posted a new image.
  • DrRandle posted a new image.
  • DrRandle posted a new image.
  • DrRandle posted a new image.
  • DrRandle posted a message on the post 755: Stealth Poodle.

    How Jess feels about Sam Barlow is how I feel about Naughty Dog.

  • DrRandle posted a message on the post Mortal Kombat 11 (Nintendo Switch).

    @elite49: Found some more!