Games and Work and Games and Work
Hi again old blog. The COVID 19 pandemic was almost like being frozen in time for these past years. But of course time went on, and others kept living as they normally do. Springs came and went, frien...
Ya'll are weird hahaha. I've been with Giant Bomb since it was called Arrow Pointing Down. The countdown is whatever. People come and leave, that's the nature of life. I enjoy Jeff's perspective on v...
I rarely replay games. But there are a few that I always find time to give a try for a while.Dead Space 1. Still the game that defines the PS3/360 generation to me, brings a lot of nostalgia back. Alt...
Won't the actual innards be worth something though? Cathode tubes aren't being manufactured anymore as far as I know. I'd keep it all together as a unit unless it definitely doesn't work. Maybe I'm ju...
@onfayno: Just eat healthy, workout out, and sleep enough. That should be enough unless you're in a at-risk-group. Definitely get the vaccine and boosters if you haven't already.
Kirby taking a lot of Ws this week.
My favorite in the series is the spin-off point and click adventure game made by Telltale called "Inside Out: A Ratchet Story". Very disturbing and graphic scenes, but really sets up Ratchet as this d...
@mrwakka: politics? Bahahaha. This isn't NPR. Last I heard Terry Gross isn't Giant Bomb's newest hire. Whatever amount of politics they talk is secondary to what I come to GIANT BOMB for.
That port looks just like a 4x upscaled PS2 emulated thang. Not bad, I guess it's a legal way to play the game with achievements on top. If you're super nostalgic then it's acceptable. Edit: It looks ...
Oh heck yeah. About to watch this after work. Thanks duders.
It's been a long road. Thanks for everything guys!
It's been a long road guys and gals. It's been a long road. Happy to be part of it.
G&G Resurrection looks fine to me but it's all about the gameplay. If they can't nail that, it's a tough sell.
jeff looking cozy in his space, like a space radio man from the desert
CORRECTION: 30 series cards, and even some 20 series cards are very hard to get still. Sure you can buy some right now, but you're paying scalpers prices. a 3080 (arguably the best price/power ratio ...
@pimanrules: this is insanely detailed for something i refuse to comprehend and I love u for it
I'm glad you're all here, despite it all. Thanks for everything, gents.
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