Are there a lot of people here that use Reddit? Any ideas of what we can do with the subreddit, if anything?
@Mr_Skeleton said:
We can open a Giant Bomb subreddit which will be like the Giant Bomb forums only worse.
There already is and it's pretty stale. Just links to some videos and articles, mostly old stuff.
I like reddit a lot for news updates and watching videos, but anything else like the memes get pretty repetitive.
I always try to use Reddit but the layout and format of the site are so exhausting and uncomfortable. How can anyone read that infinite wall of adjacent comments?
@believer258 said:
Anytime Reddit comes up, there's a fair number of people that slander it. It may be a vocal minority but I don't think many people here care for it.
I don't, it seems like it's just one step above 4Chan to me.
I vastly prefer 4chan's layout to Reddit's, but I've been visiting 4chan off 'n' on for 6 years now, since the great Something Awful forum purge. I think most of us have gone back to Something Awful, as too many idiots came in and perceived our faux-stupidity as genuine stupidity and came to revel in it.
Reddit, to me at least, is that section of the internet that is best left to use when it is needed - rather than going out of our way to be a part of it. While there is plenty of information there that is worthwhile, it's filled with nonsense that is comparative to 4chan, so I avoid it.
Wow the internet is a real cool place sometimes, first time visiting reddit.
@PalmettoBling said:
Any ideas of what we can do with the subreddit, if anything?
Not quite sure what you mean by this? I'm not really up on reddit, go to /gaming every now and then but don't really check out the comments section, just the posts.
@RazielCuts said:
@PalmettoBling said:
Any ideas of what we can do with the subreddit, if anything?
Not quite sure what you mean by this? I'm not really up on reddit, go to /gaming every now and then but don't really check out the comments section, just the posts.
I think he might mean the giantbomb subreddit which is dead.
Also to OP, there is really no need for /r/giantbomb since we have giantbomb.
@boocreepyfootdoctor said:
Seems like a combination of variety of horrible things about the internet.
10% Hateful misogynistic adult porn.
10% "Non-nude" child porn and dudes asking for the "goods".
10% 9/11 conspiracists, "group stalking" nuts, chemtrail fanatics.
10% Ayn Rand/Ron Paul propaganda, egomaniacs, eugenicists, capitalist extremists.
10% Communist extremists, anarchy conspiracy theorists, white men with dreads and needle marks quoting RATM.
10% Hateful misogynist and homophobic and racist "gamers", that kid that promises to OWN your mom on Xbox Live.
10% Hackers posting propaganda threats to steal passwords/social security numbers.
10% Yuppie liberal bloggers trying to win journalism awards for essays about displaced Katrina victims or Fox News lie tallies.
10% Cute cats. Cute asian pop stars.
10% Mainstream/gossip news stories. (Yankee slugger A-Rod spills ice cream cone, it lands in the shape of virgin mary...)
I don't think you have been on reddit.
I check it when I'm bored (that's what the internet is for). Don't know why people hate on message boards. It's about as stupid as hating on a steak sauce or something.
@boocreepyfootdoctor said:
I check it when I'm bored (that's what the internet is for). Don't know why people hate on message boards. It's about as stupid as hating on a steak sauce or something.
Well, its not that any one is worse than the others, although I believe that a small, purposeful one, actively moderated and viewed by the staff themselves thrives more. There may be a few people here trying to role-play internet life, get the last word in, be an "intenet tough guy", get the ultimate post count, etc. but nowhere near as horribly as neogaf and something awful and the like are.
lol have you ever been to SA?
the only thing i don't like about it is the layout. i don't really get the layout of it. i just browsed it for a few minutes and it was weird. i clicked on a link saw a picture and then had to click on the view comments to see the comments.
they pretty much ruin memes. i don't get the whole le comment. le pokerface le trollface le rageface.
@TheSlothKing: Well, the whole reason I really brought it up, is that at work Giant Bomb is blocked, but Reddit is not. I find myself on Reddit quite a bit during the day, scoping the headlines in /r/GamingNews, reading interesting stuff in /r/AskScience and finding out what's new in my town in /r/Charleston. Since I can get there and not here, I was just hoping we could us /r/GiantBomb for something.
Easily one of the worst communities on the internet. Now obviously there are many niche subreddits but the main ''reddit'' is just the most abhorrent piece of shit on the internet. Rotten self righteous pseudo intellectuals oozing with forced slave morality.
Just create a GB thread on /v/ once in a while, sometimes they take off. I mean 4chan is pretty shitty but compared to reddits it's great.
There was a Subreddit-thing at one point I could get in to.
It was all about trying to take down 4chan and reddit .. Was kinda weird, but fun to read
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