Jan the video editing was awesome! Great work!!
Does this mean Sony is making notes every time I reply with "Chonk if your Chorny"? I feel so naked now...
@janman I had no idea you played this too! FYI anyone not in the know Jesus Jesus Revolution is a knock off DDR with Gospel songs but there is an extra input after the down arrow.
Dan I've got the same heating cape. I love it though mine is mauve or Purpleish.
There is a god after all!
My wallpaper for a while has been the Garbage Day message from Donut County. I absolutely loved that game and especially loved the wordplay around the message
I think the Yakuza series has some fantastic openings and endings. Personally I think 0 has the best opening. When I played that I had zero idea who anyone was and I was hooked almost immediately.As ...
Anyone else sing "She was once a magic baby and turned into a magic little lady" to the tune of the Brady Bunch Theme Song as soon as Dan said it?... No... just me... OK.
It's official! Dan gives Bayonetta 3 4 stars!
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