So, I've been thinking about this for a few weeks. What's your autocomplete for the whole alphabet? I'll show mine as an example:
B: BBC News
C: Cofeco: One of my fave artists
D: Dota Buff: I don't even play Dota 2
F: Facebook: The only place where this wrestling video exists
G: Giant Bomb
H: Nothing exists for some reason
I: Instagram
J: A job site
K: Nothing exists again
L: My PS Library- I haven't had a Playstation for two years
M: Maps: Pretty obvious what this is
N: NJPW- I hate the new layout
O: Oglaf: A sex comic for deviants
P: Pork Pie: The Website: Cause why not?
Q: Quinyx: My work shift portal
S: Speedtest: I have 30mb down
T: Twitch: Yogscast: I've enjoyed the Jingle Jam?
V: Nothing exists
W: Wikipedia: Wrestle Kingdom 18
X: Nothing
Y: Youtube: I wish it could be Festag every day
Z: Zoopla: We're looking for a house!
So there it is. Give it a try and let us know what you get. You might be surprised!
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