Don't worry! Thanks to "Kindle with special offers" there are ads in books in some circumstances now too!
To be fair books have always had ads in them too, in various forms including preview chapters for other books by the same author or publisher or just ads in the back of the book for other books by the publishers.
To be more serious...I think you're talking about media here because obviously you can just go out in nature and not be bombarded by ads...unless you count bird song as personal ads, which I guess is fair.
If you pay for streaming services there aren't a lot of ads unless you count ads for shows on the service (which is not really different than publishers putting ads for their other books in the front/back of a book.) I don't think Netflix really has ads at all other than those.
If you pay for Youtube Premium most videos won't have ads and you won't really see ads often. Sponsorships are still annoying but you don't et a lot of ads. I use Youtube music off my Premium and I don't think I have ever seen an ad on that, unless you count music suggestions.
So I wouldn't say books are the only places. The advantage of books is that it's much easier to skip the ads or whatever you don't like because of how they're formatted.
But overall in terms of media consumption I see MANY fewer ads than I did 20 years ago. TV used to be just chock full of ads but now with pay streaming services I don't even know what ad campaigns are big anymore. I remember when there were ad campaigns that penetrated into pop culture like the Budweiser "whassup" and "why ask why, try bud dry" campaigns, among others, but I can't think of a "viral" ad campaign in the recent past.
One of the reasons that ads seem so much more obtrusive in real life is that advertisers are desperate to get to an audience who is better than ever at avoiding them. You can pay for ad free streams and podcasts and the like.
To be fair I live in America, the land of ads, and in a big city that has always been full of ads everywhere, so you may just be experiencing the Americanization of your space, as Britain is in a lot of cultural aspects.
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