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  • interea posted a new image.
  • interea posted a new image.
  • interea posted a new image.
  • interea posted a new image.
  • interea posted a new image.
  • interea posted a message in the forum topic Request a fix for RENAME & ALIAS issues here!. on the Wiki board

    Green Video Game should be called "G.R.E.E.N. The Life Algorithm" (as the name is stylised in the Steam page description text) or "GREEN The Life Algorithm".

  • interea posted a new image.
  • interea posted a new image.
  • interea posted a new image.
  • interea posted a new image.
  • interea posted a new image.
  • interea posted a new image.
  • interea posted a new image.
  • interea posted a new image.
  • interea posted a new image.
  • interea posted a new image.
  • interea posted a new image.