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  • BisonHero posted a message in the forum topic Does paying for premium remove ads from old bombcasts?. on the Bombcast board

    @dtoast: @carnage1290: To possibly expand on this, this sounds a lot like another thread from a couple years back. If it's an unrelated issue then sorry for wasting everyone's time, but here:https://w...

  • BisonHero posted a message in the forum topic Nintendo admits that a Switch successor is coming, but it won't be discussed in the June Direct. on the General Discussion board

    I know it’s just a quirk of translation, but I really love the wording of “It will have been over nine years since we announced the existence of Nintendo Switch back in March 2015.” You’d think they w...

  • BisonHero posted a message in the forum topic Stellar Made(Demo impressions). on the Stellar Blade board

    @bigsocrates: I still find it fascinating that in all of these Gamergate-style culture wars, the side opposing real-or-imagined changes is almost always convinced that A) they speak for the silent maj...

  • BisonHero posted a message in the forum topic Embracer is splitting into three companies. It would be funny if real people weren't impacted.. on the Embracer Group Forum board

    @bigsocrates said:My favorite part, though, is calling one of the companies "Middle Earth & Friends." What happens if they lose the Lord of the Rings license (they appear to own at least part of i...

  • BisonHero posted a message on the post 837: R1 to Brood.

    Is there a specific month all of game industry Twitter decided it was cool to no longer like Bioshock Infinite because of one plot point? The game gets such a bad rap for absolutely no reason.I’ll be ...

  • BisonHero posted a message on the post 835: REVENGEANCE.

    @thgamer: if it’s not in your time budget, you’re totally fine to delete Revengeance and stick with the main Bombcast. You’re not usually missing a whole lot, and I’m sure you’re not the only person s...

  • BisonHero posted a message in the forum topic Q: Was this a bombcast advertisement?. on the Bombcast board

    Man, sucks that some wacko ads slip through sometimes.Regional ad networks are so wild in America. I live in Canada, and across the Bombcast and other podcasts, the most “politically charged” ad I can...

  • BisonHero posted a message on the post 834: Velvet Sack.

    Cool that they’re playing Slice & Dice. Been sinking many hours into it.I like what that game is doing, but it has the worst case of programmer UI (derogatory) I’ve seen in a long time. The gamepl...

  • BisonHero posted a message on the post 109.

    Never before has a podcast so accurately captured the energy of your 2 weird uncles arguing about something completely unimportant at Thanksgiving dinner.

  • BisonHero posted a message on the post 833: CUTTER SLADE.

    Such uncalled for Axiom Verge slander!

  • BisonHero posted a message on the post 832: Upgrade Your Balls.

    The back 15-20 minutes of this episode are absolutely incredible.

  • BisonHero posted a message in the forum topic What is the most overrated but beloved game so far this year?. on the General Discussion board

    @cikame: This topic is overall kinda mean-spirited, but I do think Palworld is a very good answer. The game is exactly the sum of its parts: Pokémon and ARK-like survival game. It’s had its time in th...

  • BisonHero posted a message in the forum topic Balatro, a game with no actual gambling, has been re-rated and pulled from some shops due to gambling.. on the Balatro Forum board

    How does a game get re-rated after release? Isn’t it usually only if some wild new content is “discovered”/was-always-in-the-game-but-not-accessible-unless-you-hack-the-game type stuff? GTA 3 hot coff...

  • BisonHero posted a message in the forum topic Do you enjoy "Mature" stories more in video games?. on the General Discussion board

    Yes, but you have to say it like muh-tewer stories.

  • BisonHero posted a message in the forum topic Balatro Seed, Tips, & Tricks Sharing Thread. on the Balatro Forum board

    Has the staff done a stream/video of this game yet? I remember Jan and maybe Grubb saying they should do a stream of it back when it was the demo on Steam Nextfest, but I don’t recall if it happened.I...

  • BisonHero posted a message in the forum topic Microsoft is reportedly going to put a bunch of "exclusives" out on PS5. Is MS inevitably going third party?. on the Xbox Series X/S board

    I really doubt they always intended to announce this multi platform stuff on a random Xbox podcast like happened today. It felt so slapped together, like their hands were tied and they still couldn’t ...

  • BisonHero posted a message on the post Catch Me if You Dan.

    Dan bumping into the fans was so wholesome.What a great vid!

  • BisonHero posted a message in the forum topic Should I get into politics with my gf?. on the Off-Topic board

    With all due respect, this is likely a bot/spam account. If you want to address their question as a thought exercise, have at it.Maybe this is a legit follower of the site that loves GB/video games, w...

  • BisonHero posted a message in the forum topic It makes sense but I'm a little sad that Giant Bomb seems to have abandoned the "Quick Look" term. on the General Discussion board

    The phasing out of Quick Looks seemed eventual once reviews got phased out in 2020 (for whatever pandemic morale and/or business reason).I assume reviews just add to a metacritic score but do terribly...

  • BisonHero posted a message in the forum topic What was the first videogame you played?. on the General Discussion board

    Today I learned: I’m the opposite of an elder millennial. A junior millennial? What I mean is a lot of these responses predate me more than I thought they would.Probably the first games I can think of...