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account of the company enkisoftware

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  • juulcat posted a new image.
  • juulcat posted a new image.
  • juulcat posted a new image.
  • juulcat posted a new image.
  • juulcat posted a new image.
  • juulcat posted a new image.
  • juulcat posted a new image.
  • juulcat posted a new image.
  • juulcat posted a new image.
  • juulcat posted a new image.
  • juulcat posted a new image.
  • juulcat posted a new image.
  • juulcat posted a message in the forum topic Request a fix for IMAGES & BOX ART issues here!. on the Wiki board

    Add image to Dragonpath:

  • juulcat posted a new image.
  • juulcat posted a new image.
  • juulcat posted a message in the forum topic Request a fix for IMAGES & BOX ART issues here!. on the Wiki board

    @franzlska: Thank you! Very sorry for the hassle it's caused you. I had problems with the UI when I added the links formats. Removed them now.

  • juulcat posted a message in the forum topic Request a fix for IMAGES & BOX ART issues here!. on the Wiki board

    Hello, would it be possible to set these images for the following games:

  • juulcat posted a new image.
  • juulcat posted a new image.
  • juulcat posted a new image.