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The "Can't remember the name of this game" Thread v3.0
When asking a question
- If you have a question leave it in the comment box at the bottom of the main thread.
- Try and be as descriptive as you can as this will help your chances of getting the answer.
- When you get the correct name start a new comment. QUOTE the correct users comment which should include the game name. If multiple users get the question right QUOTE the very first person to answer correctly
- Don't forget to say thank you :)
- If you manage to answer your own question then mark as "Resolved"
A few tips I found to help you describe the game
- A guess of what year the game could have come out on (it's not useful to say "when I was a kid" if we don't know how old you are)
- A guess of what platform the game is on (even if you don't remember what console, at least say it wasn't on PC, and guess the generation)
- What genre the game is in (again, even if you don't know exactly, you can probably rule some out or be broad like "action")
- If you or others or general public thought the game was any good, how good/bad/colorful were the graphics, music, etc
- Who the intended audience of the game is (kids, casual gamers, movie franchise fans, etc)
When answering a question
- To help limit confusion, please remember to press REPLY when answering a users question.
- If you have the giantbomb link for the game you think it might be, add that too so the community can have a look at these rare gems and maybe help fill the unloved pages out.
- If you want to add pictures, videos or websites of the game you think it is, go ahead.
- Thanks for helping a fellow Giantbomber in their time of need :D
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how is diz version different from earlier versions and does it support multiplaya if so how many players ?
just kidding, great work man, that guide link is pimp!
There. Copy pasted from the old thread and stuff.
Theres this game from the 80's which i played.
I remember you're in a airplane and shoot enemies, its set in World War 2 and you're supposed to kill japanese guys. There were alot of stages i think.
Im sure this is an easy one, but Im blanking. Its a vertical arcade shooter from the 80s. I always get it mixed up with Twin Bee, which it isnt. (game room recently jogged my memory of this).
Its main feature is that you collect power-ups with your ship, and then they trail behind your ship like a string of marbles. You can then activate them one at a time. I particularly remember a screen wide bar of fire you could send up the screen. Pretty sure there was 2 player.
Ok, this has been bugging me for too long now.
-I remember the game was kinda comic book like.
-You have to kill a bunch of people who are numbered (you being 'number 6' or something)
-The was a mission where you kill a bunch of KKK guys (maybe in some burning house can't recall)
-It was on the original Xbox
-I think I played it about 6 years ago
-Oh and it's a shooter (silly me)
" Ok, this has been bugging me for to long now. -I remember the game was kinda comic book like. -You have to kill a bunch of people who are numbered (you being 'number 6' or something)-The was a mission where you kill a bunch of KKK guys (maybe in some burning house can't recall) -It was on the original Xbox "XIII??
This one's hard. I remember a platformer, arcade Mario Bros.-style, for Amiga in which you play as a dude wearing pajamas and it's all about fighting other dudes with kung fu.
It's not The Running Man, I can say that much.
My memory of how it looks is kinda vauge, but I do know for sure the style of the game is cartoony.
Can't say much about the backdrops, sorry.
As for the setting, it's fantasy I think. The level design is a mix of Mario Bros. and Bubble Bobble, kinda (you jump to platforms).
The one I bought the Amiga from, which came with a lot of copied games btw, had labeled the disk as "Kung Fu Pajamas" though that's not the title of the game, but it does look like the character you're playing as are wearing pajamas.
I don't think it's a sidescroller.
Maybe it was homebrew and therefore not that known.
Five questions:" This one's hard. I remember a platformer, arcade Mario Bros.-style, for Amiga in which you play as a dude wearing pajamas and it's all about fighting other dudes with kung fu. "
- Graphic style - Realistic or cartoony?
- Does the game have detailed or monochrome backdrops?
- Do you remember the general setting? (futuristic, fantasy, medieval, etc.)
- Is it actually a pajamas or just something that looks like one?
- It wasn't The Running Man, was it? (Shot in the dark, I know)
It's not The Running Man, I can say that much.
My memory of how it looks is kinda vauge, but I do know for sure the style of the game is cartoony.
Can't say much about the backdrops, sorry.
As for the setting, it's fantasy I think. The level design is a mix of Mario Bros. and Bubble Bobble, kinda (you jump to platforms).
The one I bought the Amiga from, which came with a lot of copied games btw, had labeled the disk as "Kung Fu Pajamas" though that's not the title of the game, but it does look like the character you're playing as are wearing pajamas.
This game has been on my mind for a while now. Glad I found this thread, hopefully you guys can help.
It's a side scroller that was a mix of fighting and some shooting if you picked up a gun or ammo (don't remember which).
I don't remember system, and I played it a few years ago, so not sure on year of release.
It's 1-2 players, the guys you could use were the same, looked kinda like ninjas, but were red and blue.
It was in a setting of a city (or at least levels I remember), there was a section where you could drive on a highway, or walk if you lose car.
I don't recall the enemies, but I think perhaps you were a bad guy or maybe a anti-hero or vigilante or something, fighting bad guys.
Sorry not sure how to link to the page properly.
EDIT (Just read your post again and maybe it isn't pitfall actually but worth a shot.)
It was a PS2 game I played on some kind of demo disc (I don't know if it was an official disc or just from a magazine) so I'm not entirely sure it was even made into a full game. Anyway, it was basically a 3D arena-based fighting game very early in the PS2 life cycle, you could play as a bunch of different characters but I can only remember 2 of them - one was a dinosaur and I think the other character was in a wheel chair or spaceship type thing (he was sitting down anyway). The wheel chair character could use a special kamikaze attack where he flew up into the air and then you had to guide him back down to earth and into your opponent. If you missed you would die. There were a bunch of different stages, in the demo I think you only had a desert stage though. Thanks.
Does anyone remember way back when PC Gamer did a preview and had ads for this multiplayer game that was like NATO vs RUSSIA and you could control any military vehicles or something like that? I remember being hyped for it and then it turned it sucked. The name of the game was the german word for Soldier, but I can't remember how it was spelled.
Looking for a game from the 90s on PC where VG reporters said it took them 7years to make. the front cover had a mechanical arm of some sorts.
It's a 2D side scroller on the PS1, but some levels were from a top-down perspective. It's an adventure game where the protagonist had long dark blue hair which makes a zig-zag shape. On the first level (world) you fight a big boss. Throughout the game, every time you kill a mob you get his power. It was later made into a 3D game on the PS2.
That's all I remember about it. Sorry for being vague; I used to play it some 7 years ago.
all right. i'm looking for a game and am trying to wrap my mind around the system you constructed here (which is pretty awesome btw). here's the game:
1. I only played this game as a demo. it was on the CD of a Romanian games magazine called LEVEL (just in case someone here is Romanian). it was around the early 2000-s/late 90s
2. PC game
3. RPG (see details below)
4. not sure how people liked it. to be honest, there is a possibility it got canned without a full release. i'm usually pretty good with keeping track of games I like
5. it's an RPG so...not for kids
you start off an a shore I believe with the usual amnesia stuff. the only items you have are clothes I think. you start going through a small forest or something, getting tutorials on the game. eventually you reach a camp where you can do some quests and can get your first party member and some equipment. the chieftain tells you that you have to go out and hunt down a white wolf, which is to the left of the camp, past some trees in a cave (yes). when you kill the wolf and go back the demo ends.
the graphics are slightly polygonal (i think thats what the called). no anti-aliasing options
it's not isometric, you can zoom in and out, but as far as i remember it's still mostly mouse-based controls
um...your dude is blonde and has white clothes at the start, but it's a possibility that you can change that anyway
um, thanks in advance and good luck (you'll need it...)
How this thread works:
- You leave a question.
- I add it to the front page so it gets more views.
- Clever people answer your question.
- You reply to these pending answers.
- If the correct answer is given the user who got it correct will get points on the leaderboard and I will archive your question.
Edit: I might put this in the tips & advice section.
I wonder if you're talking about a game called Ninja Spirit? Here's a link to a youtube video of the game:
And the relevent page on Giant Bomb:
Ninja Spirit
Edit: You did it.
Hi, Lazy updater here. Yea, from the start I've been trying to make the QotM the request that was up there for the longest, and most difficult to answer. However, I think the current one was selected at random." @Atta: ESREVER is in charge of updating the Leaderboard and choosing what the Question of the Moment is. When we started the thread we decided to just pick them at random but I think it's going to be given to the questions which are hardest to answer from now on. "
Scratch that, the current QotM was not selected at random. We have tried and failed many a time to answer that one.
I have a couple of games that have been driving me mad for years. I was pretty young for both so the memories are hazy.
The first is a top down PC game, which must have been from the mid 90s. The graphical quality would have been similar to Jagged Alliance. I remember it being like a cross between an rpg and action/adventure. You were a savage of some kind in Jungle environments, and the opening sections involved defending a village from rampaging instectoid monsters with a spear: possibly giant mosquitos. I remember the big theme of the game being codependency with the insects and a jungle savage aesthetic. I remember being able to drink insect nectar that would mutate your character and give you the appearance and abilities of the insects. However I think the effects were permanent and would make people adverse to you. I believe the game to be shareware. The controls were like Diablo, with the clicking to attack and so on. I think the name had something to do with arachnid in it, arachnoid, aracnox something like that.
The second is a game that I'm not sure was ever released but I remember reading a huge preview in a magazine. Similar time frame to the first game, mid to late 90s. It was a third person action game, where you played a red, winged insect. It looks similar in style to Mr Mosquito, with the house and the huge humans. The family would be your antagonists, and you had to help a community of bugs come together to defeat them (or the exterminator they had hired). I remember the scale being a big selling point, where you could escape in cracks in the wall. I also remember the magazine saying you'd be using matchsticks and other sundry items to construct traps and such. I cannot be certain of the platform, but I would guess PC as that is the only machine I had at the time. I think the name was Bugz, or similar but no research provides results.
I'm answering my own question here, I found out it's Bugdom.I can't remember the name of this PC game that had you play as a Roly Poly, and you took on other insects like bees and ants. There was only around 6-9 levels, one where you ride the back of a dragonfly and it's like a flight sim. This was a game our school owned, so it may not have been well known.
" Does anyone remember way back when PC Gamer did a preview and had ads for this multiplayer game that was like NATO vs RUSSIA and you could control any military vehicles or something like that? I remember being hyped for it and then it turned it sucked. The name of the game was the german word for Soldier, but I can't remember how it was spelled. "A simple google translate gave me this, but I'm not sure if it has vehicles or not. Hope that helps.
My friend is trying to remember a game. It was a RTS on windows 95. The demo played mostly on a red planet. The army you controlled was also red-like (Probably). There were mechs and people riding dinosaurs shooting lasers. Otherwise it was mostly a standard rts ->build base -> get resources -> kill everything.
I saw this game on the IPhone a while back, but I can't remember the name. It's a game where you guide this shape (or something, might've been a ball) through a maze as fast as you can. There's a timer of sort sort too. It's either counting down or timing you, I forget which, but in any case you get graded on how fast you finished the level. There's also a few levels where they add these blinking red squares in your path that you can't pass until they go away. The name is killing me!
Second, there's this fucking astronaut game or something that came out the Xbox or in that general era. I saw a preview or review on Xplay. If I remember right, it's like some adventure game or something. Might even be a horror game. All I know is you're all alone, it's in first-person, and I can't remember the damn name.
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